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Coaching for Stress

Often the hardest part of dealing with stress is coping with yourself and your own thoughts. I frequently have clients who come to me feeling that they are the biggest obstacle to their own success. Fortunately this is an aspect which through learning simple techniques and practising them consistently you can start to change.

In the coaching that I provide, I use a cognitive behavioural model of coaching called The STAR Model, which is a refined version of the standard 'ABC Model' for assisting people in changing and managing negative and self-defeating thoughts if these are inhibiting them and to help create options out of situations which people feel are blocking them or recurring consistently. Cognitive behavoural techniques are supported by research as being effective in helping to deal with stress, anxiety, depression and negative thoughts.

The CBT techniques help you to step back and understand how your thinking processes, feeling and actions interrelate and then to create constructive alternativesto the ways that you are thinking and acting for you to try out. Change management techniques can also be used to give you support in dealing with and coping with immediate and long term stresses, ultimately with the aim of creating a better quality of life for you.

I have helped people consistently to manage difficult situations and feelings, so as achieve control of elements of their lives which they felt were out of control. Two sample comments from clients after 4-6 sessions of using The STAR Model are given below, indicating how successful this model can be in achieving a new, positive frame of mind for a person and making a real difference in their life:

"...I find that without thinking about it I am operating the STAR Model. It is now second nature and part of me!!! I feel very happy with this result as I have successfully implemented a fundamental change in the control of my reactions which in turn leads me to react differently..." -  Pippa

"Since starting the coaching, I feel lighter and more in control. In a better position to make choices. Rather than always feeling in the dark. I have a greater sense of achievement and feel pleased with myself...I have more defined boundaries which make me feel more secure. I sleep better. I enjoy life more. I worry less." - Claire


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