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Body Scan Meditation

A body scan meditation is, as you might guess, a meditation in which you scan the different parts of your body, giving attention in turn to each in a gentle focused way. Ideally take your time in doing this meditation - perhaps 20-30 minutes.

As with other meditations, in performing the body scan meditation the idea is to try to observe the object of your meditation (the particular body part and associated sensations) in a relaxed, detached way without judgement, just recognising and experiencing the feelings and sensations).

1. Usually for the body scan meditation it is suggested that you lie down on your back with your legs uncrossed and your arms at your side, perhaps with the palms up. Your eyes can be open or closed, whatever feels relaxed and comfortable to you.

2. Start by focusing on your breathing, being aware of the sensations of your breath, perhaps focusing on your breath going in and out of your nostrils or alternatively on the feel of your stomach rising and falling gently as you breathe in and out slowly and deeply. Do this for a few minutes.

3. When you are ready move your focus to the toes of your left foot. Observe any sensations you are feeling in your toes one by one in an attitude of detached curiosity. If you can't feel any sensation that's OK just be aware of the lack of sensation. After a minute or so move your focus onto the sole of your left foot then gradually on to the heel of your left foot, then onto the sides and then top of your foot, then onto the whole foot, doing this slowly and in a relaxed way just gently observing your sensations.

4. If at any time you get distracted and thoughts start preoccupying you, try not to be self-critical (that's normal) just smile and gently draw yourself back to what you are trying to focus on in the meditation.

5. After you have focused on the left foot in a slow measured way as described, then shift your focus onto the lower part of your left leg, then the knee then the upper part of the left leg.

6. After you have moved up your left leg with your focus then shift your awareness onto the upper part of your right leg, gradually moving down the right leg and onto the parts of the foot reversing the process you went through with the left leg.

7. Next focus your awareness on your pelvis, hips, buttocks and private parts in the same gentle step by step relaxed way.

8. Then proceed with focusing on your lower abdomen and lower back, then your chest and upper back. Feel your stomach rising and falling with your breath and your heart beating if you can.

9. If any emotions arise as you go through the body scan, accept and acknowledge them then try to refocus on your body observation.

10. After observing your torso, start to focus on each of your arms then hands/fingers in turn.

11. Next focus on your shoulders then neck, acknowledging and observing any tension as you do so.

12. Then move upwards to focus on your jaw, observing if it's tense or relaxed, then feel your lips, inside your mouth and your teeth, onto your cheeks, your nose, your eyelids and your eyes, then your forehead, being aware as you do so of any expressions, sensations or movements in your face. Then focus on the top of your head and your hair.

When you have finished focusing on the top of your head imagine yourself letting go of your body altogether and hovering above yourself. Then refocus on your breathing and gradually come out of the meditation ready to bring your calmness into the environment you are in.


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