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Cutting Down on Fatty and Sugary Foods

Some level of fat and sugar is important in your diet, but if, like many people who put on weight, you find that eating too much sugar and/or fat in your diet is one of the main reasons, then a sensible part of your healthy diet plan can involved cutting down your consumption of sugary and fatty foods.

Possible Ways of Reducing Fat and Sugar Intake

The following are possible suggestions that you can choose from to reduce your fat or sugar intake if these elements feature too much in your diet:

Small Realistic Reductions in Fat and Sugar

Looking at the above suggestions you can see that none of them need involve a faddish diet. They are sensible healthy choices.

It is up to you the extent to which you cut down on the above. You don't necessarily need to exclude these items from your diet completely. Small realistic reductions that you achieve can make a difference, particularly if you maintain them over a period of time. Patience and realism are required.

What is important is that you make a conscious choice to make specific reductions or appropriate changes and that you follow that through (if you slip up one day, then rather than go back to square 1, see if you can get back on track the next day).

Once you have started making the changes, monitor the effect by some reliable method - usually this will involve weighing yourself once every one or two weeks (at the same time of day, on the same scales to enable effective comparison).

If you are losing weight consistently (even if not in vast amounts) you are doing something right, so keep it up! For most people who are overweight, losing weight at a rate of 1 to 2 lbs per week (0.5 to 1 kilos) is reasonable (If in doubt, check with your doctor or a qualified nutritionist).


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