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Executive Coaching with CBT

A unique approach to helping successful and wealthy individuals make the most of their careers and personal life

What is Executive Coaching

Executive coaching can be defined as the use of personal and business coaching techniques to help successful individuals make the most of their abilities.

There is in fact a wide discrepancy in the way that the term is used so this page sets out the nature of the particular executive coaching that I provide in order for you to see whether it is they type of service that is appropriate for you.

I also explain how CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) techniques can be used in the executive coaching I provide, since this is an aspect of my particular executive coaching service which differentiates it from other services.

Who My Executive Coaching Service if For

My executive coaching service is provided for individuals rather than for corporate or other organisations. I will be accountable to you as an individual, you will be responsible for my coaching fees and the service will be provided on a confidential basis (I do not disclose information to third parties without your permission - the only occasions when I would break this confidentiality would be if required to do so by law or in order to help prevent physical harm or injury arising to yourself or someone else).

The type of individuals who use my executive coaching service are:

Adding CBT into Executive Coaching

CBT, otherwise known as cognitive behavioural therapy, or cognitive behavioural coaching, evolved from the ideas of Albert Ellis (the founder of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy) and Aaron Beck (the founder of Cognitive Therapy).

CBT is based on a recognition that the way we think influences the way we feel, the way we act and the choices we make in life, career and relationships - thus for example if your mind is continually filled with negative 'self talk' you are likely to feel bad and this in turn may impede your ability to make practical choices in life and to meet your own needs in a reasonable way.

If you are an executive, businessman, business woman or wealthy individual you will almost certainly have a host of competing:

CBT provides is an ideal set of techniques to help you think through these different issues which may arise for you because it involves analysing thought processes which may be contributing to difficulties in coping with the above demands and then implementing strategies to allow you to take more control and choice over the most important aspects of your life.

CBT involves a fundamental belief in realistic approaches and actions. It is not about simply replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. It is about helping you to achieve a balanced and constructive approach to life and to the problems or dilemmas that you encounter in life.

An illustration of a simple CBT type coaching exercises that I work through with clients, (similar to the well known CBT approach known as the ABC Model - which was devised by Albert Ellis, one of the founders of CBT) is to ask people to reflect on an issue that they find is a repeated problem in the following way:

  1. Describe what the typical situation is in which the problem arises
  2. Note down your thoughts, beliefs and feelings which the situation triggers
  3. Describe how you then typically act.
  4. Make a note of the consequences of these actions and how you then feel.

In a coaching session using this model I would then explore in depth with you what are your options at each stage for breaking the negative cycle. We would consider:

Finding Out More

Executive Coaching is just one of the coaching services that I provide. You can find out more about my coaching business by clicking on either of the links below, which give details of my life coaching and business coaching services.

My executive coaching service combines the ingredients of my life coaching and business coaching services according to what your individual needs are:

Life Coaching Service

Business Coaching Service

Executive Coaching Sessions

Executive coaching sessions are conducted on the telephone with clients phoning me at an agreed time when I guarantee to make myself available.

Sessions usually last for 1 hour although a different time frame can be agreed where appropriate. We use the coaching sessions to discuss the issues with which you want help, agree a way forward to tackle any difficulties and set and implement goals. We can draw up a Project Plan to address the particular issues that are important to you.

Before most sessions I will give you exercises to help you tackle the particular issues that are most important to you and to focus your insight on where you need to go. At the end of each coaching session we will agree specific actions for you to take before the next session, to implement any plans you have made. The focus of the sessions is very practical.

The service is provided by phone (with any exercises sent by email) and is therefore available to clients based internationally as well as in the UK (sessions can start any time between 9.30am and 5pm UK time on a weekday). Current and former clients have lived in the UK, Europe and North America.