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Action Checklist

This is a life coaching exercise that you can work through if you think that you ought to do an action or you want to do it, but you are not entirely sure if you willl carry it out or achieve it and you want to improve your prospects of doing so successfully.

Try going through the following questions:
1. On a score of 1-10, how likely is it that you will achieve the action within the time frame you are proposing?

2.  If you have given a score of less than 8, what can you do that would increase the likelihood of implementing the action successfully to 8 or more? e.g. Consider:

3.  Will telling a friend or family member or someone else what you are going to do or asking their support help increase the likelihood of success? If so, who will you tell and what support will you ask for?    

4.  Is there any other resource (e.g. self help book or information on the internet) that you could consult or make use of to help you carry out the action? How can you make use of that resource?

5. How can you monitor your progress in achieving the action so that you can assess how you are doing? How can you reward yourself if you achieve the action?

After answering the questions, refine your proposed action and any methods for monitoring your progress in line with any suggestions arising from the above checklist.


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