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What is CBT?

CBT, otherwise known as cognitive behavioural therapy, or cognitive behavioural coaching, evolved from the ideas of Albert Ellis (the founder of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy) and Aaron Beck (the founder of Cognitive Therapy).

Who Can Benefit from CBT Techniques?

CBT provides a set of techniques used by counsellors and life coaches which are particularly effective in helping people who are experiencing:

3 Key Elements of CBT

There is actually no one thing which constitutes CBT and practitioners of CBT may differ in their preference for individual techniques within the CBT umbrella. Usually, however, coaches or counsellors who use CBT techniques share in their approach the following basic elements which are common to most CBT practitioners:

1. A recognition that the way we think influences the way we feel, the way we act and the choices we make in life, career and relationships - for example if your mind is continually filled with negative 'self talk' you are likely to feel bad and this in turn may impede your ability to make practical choices in life and to meet your own needs in a reasonable way

2. A commitment to using practical techniques which help you to analyse and deal with problematic thinking patterns that are causing you emotional difficulties or affecting your ability to move forward in life

3. A fundamental belief in realistic approaches and actions. CBT is not about simply replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. It is about helping you to achieve a balanced and constructive approach to life and to the problems or dilemmas that you encounter in life.

For further information about how CBT techniques work go to:

CBT- Introduction.


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