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Weight Loss Strategies

Maybe you feel you are in the position of knowing what would help you to lose weight - whether that is simply eating less, or eating fewer fatty and sugary foods - but you are finding it difficult to implement these sensible healthy eating choices. Here are some ideas and points to bear in mind:

Strategies for Reducing the Amount You Eat

You should only reduce the amount you eat if you are eating more food than your body actually requires to meet its needs. Crash dieting is not usually sensible because your body may respond to a shortage of essential calories by conserving body fat. However if you are overweight and are aware that you are eating too much - for example, because you eat when you are not genuinely hungry or you eat too quickly - then the following are some strategies you might try in order to reduce the amount you eat:

Strategies for Avoiding Temptation to Eat

At the risk of stating the obvious, if you are surrounded by tempting food it's likely to be hard to avoid snacking unhealthily, so make a conscious decision to limit the availability of fattening food in your environment in order to remove temptation:


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