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Being and Doing Modes

if you read books or participate in training courses on meditation or mindfulness you may well find a distinction is made between 'Being' and 'Doing' modes. This webpage explains some of the differences between the two modes and their potential usefulness:

The Difference between Being and Doing

Being mode is when you:

By contrast, Doing mode is when you:

The Benefits of Doing

Doing mode can be very useful when:

The Benefits of Being

Being mode can be useful when:

Applying 'Being' and 'Doing' to yourself

Looking at the above distinctions, reflect on whether you are more of a 'Being' person or a 'Doing' person. Are you happy with the balance? If not, then commit yourself to doing something to redress the balance. If you would like to do more in 'Being' mode, then this may involve doing a short regular daily meditation or breathing exercise (go to Meditation Practice for an example) or setting aside a day or half a day for doing something relaxing and enjoyable at a slow pace. If you would like to do more in 'Doing' mode, then this may involve setting yourself a specific target or achievable goal and committing to taking the first step towards it at a particular time.


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