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If at First You Don't Succeed...?

We all know the saying 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...', but is it true?

The answer I think is that it is sometimes true.

When Does the Saying Help?

If you are the sort of person who gives up too easily, who loses heart at a set back which is surmountable, then the saying If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again' is one that it may well be sensible for you to heed.

If thist applies to you then each time thatyou have a setback on your goals remind yourself that change and achievement often take time and effort. Perhaps readjust your goals a little if you have set yourself too high an objective or maybe think about what you can learn from your 'failures' about how to set about the task in question, but don't give up - keep going!

When is the Saying Unhelpful?

On the other hand if you are the kind of person who tends to keep on for too long doing the same thing or putting up with the same thing when it is obvious to outsiders that the way you are going, or the things you are on the receiving end of, are unlikely to change, then that is a time when just continuing to try may not be the best course of action.

In that case, it is worth you asking yourself realistically whether keeping on trying is really going to produce the results you want. If that seems unlikely then it may be time for you to give up on that particular goal or to move on to something else.


In deciding whether to continue on trying with something there are no hard and fast rules about what is right - it is going to vary from individual to individual. Before you make a decision for yourself you may find it helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do I have a tendency to keep on trying for too long or do I have a tendency to give up to early?

2. In this particular situation, what are the risks of continuing trying - what do I stand to lose from continuing - and what are the potential gains? What is the most likely outcome?

3. What can I learn from past attempts in this or other similar efforts? How can I put my learning into action to make a helpful decision or plan in this instance?


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